Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Hey peeps!
Sorry for being MIA for a while,
school work. ><

How's life everyone?
Hope you're enjoying every second of your life.
Remember to cherish everything you have before it is too late. :)

By the way,
any plans this coming Saturday (18/02/2012)?
cause my school's chinese orchestra is going to have a small performance in school.
You may come with your friends and family,
and you may even try out the instrument if you are interested.
It'll start on 1.30p.m. sharp, 
in our school, SMK Taman Connaught, Cheras, KL.
It'll be in our music room which is located on the second floor of block A.
Hope to see you guys there.
Every member of the Four Seasons will be performing. :D

I have to go sleep,
need to wake up early for school tomorrow.
God bless. :)

Saturday, 11 February 2012

I'm back! xDD

Heyyo! :P
My dear blog readers!
Miss me bo? :P
Become more perasan than last time looooo :P
Haha xDD

Guess what~~
Our school has just held jogathon today :P
Too bad Autumn din come..><
And Summer went to prepare foods and drinks for students..
So she din join the running too :P
But me and Winter took part of it :P

Guees wat again! xDD
I got numbe 12!
Proud of myself :P
But I'm gonna be so back next year..><
Cause so much prossss weih..><
Hope can make it till the end like today :P

So so so tired lo @@
gotta go sleep now :P
Freaking tired..><
Byessssss xDD